
The 6th Emerging Markets Inspiration Conference

The 6th EMIC takes place in Stockholm Business School of Stockholm University during May 27-28, 2021. The conference theme is “Dynamics of Business, Economy and Society in the New Geopolitical World”. Some 30 researchers many of who are top scholars in their respective research areas have participated in the conference.

The 5th Emerging Markets Inspiration Conference (EMIC)

"Globalization, Business, and Society in Pandemic Times" took place in Zoom during May 14-15, 2020.

Cross-cultural seminar on Tibet

A cross-cultural seminar on Tibet took place at the Emerging Markets Cross-Cultural Research Group of Stockholm Business School on September 26, 2019.

The 4th Emerging Markets Inspiration Conference

The 4th Emerging Markets Inspiration Conference

EMIC is a Swedish initiated research project that aims at exploring wild ideas in unchartered waters in the frontier of management science with a multidisciplinary intellectual input. This is the 4th time the EMIC is organized and hosted by Stockholm University.

The 3rd Emerging Markets Inspiration Conference (EMIC)

On June 1, 2018, The 3rd Emerging Markets Inspiration Conference (EMIC) will take place at Stockholm Business School.

April 12, 2016: The 1st Emerging Markets Inspiration Conference (EMIC)

The 1st Emerging Markets Inspiration Conference (EMIC) was successfully held at Stockholm Business School, Stockholm University on April 12, 2016. The conference served as an intellectual forum bringing together researchers from China, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, and UK.

March 11, 2016 — Lecture on Swedish culture and innovation

On March 11, 2016, a New XC90 Volvo Car owners delegation from China visited the Emerging Markets Cross-Cultural Research Group in Stockholm Business School.

Seminar March 3, 2016 - The Barriers to Reverse Knowledge Transfer in Chinese State-owned MNCs

Due to their lack of firm-specific advantages, Chinese firms (particularly SOEs) as latecomers often engage in outward investments to seek and acquire strategic assets (e.g. technology, brand and advanced management skills), thereby creating a competitive position in international markets and catching up with global giants...

Seminar February 25, 2016 - China’s economy and Sino-Swedish trade relations

The seminar "China's Economy and Sino-Swedish Trade Relations" was given by Mr. HAN Xiaodong, Commercial Counselor, Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Sweden on February 25, 2016.

Seminar February 11, 2016: Do boards’ characteristics matter during credit and sovereign debt crisis

Associate Professor Sabur Mollah discusses whether the characteristics of the boards make any difference between the credit and the sovereign debt crises.

Seminar September 7, 2015 - Professor Jie Wang

The seminar “Smart Learning in a Globally Cross-cultural and Interdisciplinary Context for Sustainable Development” was given by Consulting Professor Jie Wang (Stanford University, USA) on September 7, 2015.

Workshop August 17-21, 2014 "West Meets East" – International management workshop inspired by China

World renowned researchers within management theory participated 17-21 August 2014 at an international inspirational workshop on management theory and China, organised by Stockholm Business School at Stockholm University.

Emereging markets

Advisory Board

Jeremy Clegg
Professor, Leeds University

Tony Fang
Group leader 
Professor, Stockholm Business School, Stockholm University

Pervez Ghauri
Professor, University of Birmingham

Yadong Luo 
Professor, University of Miami

Fredrik Tell
Professor, Uppsala University

Jie Wang
Professor, Stanford University


Dina Chimenson
PhD student

Daniella Fjellström
Lecturer, Management/Marketing

Ai Jun Hou
Assistant Professor of Finance

Jessica Lindberg
Assistant Professor, Management

Lu Liu
Assistant Professor in Finance

Amos Owen Thomas
Associate Professor, Marketing

Jarkko Peltomäki
Associate Professor, Finance

Desheng Wu
Professor, Accounting

Senior research fellows

Brendan McSweeney
Professor, Royal Holloway, University of London

Peter Ping Li
Professor, Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China, and Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.  

Michael Graham
Professor, University of Stellenbosch Business School, South Africa

Research Associates

Lingshuang Kong
PhD student, Uppsala University

Cong Su
PhD student, Uppsala University