- Conference theme: Meaningful learning in our times
- Keynote speaker is Kristin Ewins
- Call for contributions
- Format of presentations
- Register for the conference
Stockholm University's fifth biennial Teachers' Conference will take place on Thursday, March 14 at 9-17, 2024 in Campus Albano. The conference is aimed at teaching staff at the university. An opportunity to meet colleagues and share experiences on teaching, development and research in higher education pedagogy.
The Teachers' Conference is one of the university's educational initiatives for teachers and the development of teaching and learning at SU.
The Conference language is Swedish but there will be an English-speaking track. We look forward to your participation!
Meaningful learning in our times
We live in a changing era full of pressing challenges — digital, personal, local and global. How do events around us affect our ability to provide education where both students and teachers feel that the time and commitment we invest is meaningful? We want university education to be just that: Meaningful!
Many studies in higher education carried out since the end of the last century until today show that students' perception of meaningfulness in what they study, the teaching activities they are involved in and the way they are examined is extremely important for their commitment and interest to persevere, to immerse themselves, to make an effort.
By extension, the meaningfulness of education is also related to the needs of society. How can education meet the challenges posed by artificial intelligence (A.I.), factual resistance and climate change? This brings into focus the didactic question of 'why' we choose certain content and how we choose to teach it. What is the purpose of a particular course? How is it meaningful to the student and to society?
The Teachers' Conference2024 is themed "Meaningful Learning in Time" to give us the opportunity to share and discuss together how we can create meaningful education for our students, both on a personal level and in relation to its usefulness in society.
Keynote speaker is Kristin Ewins
Deliberative leadership – strengthening collegiality and professional responsibility in higher education

How can we as teachers, academic developers and educational leaders enact professional responsibility in higher education? How can we work together to contribute to public good?
Call for contributions
Have you - alone or together with colleagues - developed and tested new forms of teaching and examination, revised course and programme curricula or run collegial development projects? What do you do differently? What are your best practices? What experiences can you share with your colleagues? Your contribution is most welcome!
You can submit two different categories of contributions. Either scientifically characterised contributions so-called Scholarship of Teaching and Learning studies that report more or less systematic studies of university pedagogical practice. Or good examples of effective, creative and collaborative methods that have developed university pedagogical practice, a so-called Best Practice contribution.
Please submit your papers via our online submission form
Format of presentations
Types of submissions for the conference are oral presentations, round table discussions, workshops and poster presentations.
Descriptions — presentation forms and abstract format
Register for the conference
The conference is primarily aimed at those who teach at SU. Teachers within the Stockholm Trio are also particularly welcome. We apply first come, first served! Participation is free of charge. The last day to register is 4 March 2024.
Please register for the conference via our online form
Let's make this Teachers' Conference the best ever!
A warm welcome!
The organizer is Centre for the Advancement of University Teaching.