Till seminarierna bjuder vi in internationella forskare inom det naturvetenskapliga områdets ämnesdidaktik. Forskaren håller en forskningspresentation och det finns sedan möjlighet till ett efterföljande, mer informellt, samtal.
Seminarierna genomförs som ett samarbete mellan Centrum för universitetslärarutbildning och Institutionen för ämnesdidaktik.
Om du vill att vi ordnar ett seminarium inom SAMTAL@SU vid din institution, kontakta John Airey. Vi ser fram emot att få arrangera seminariet!
E-post: john.airey@su.se
Aktuella seminarier
Program publiceras vart eftersom.
Tidigare seminarier
- SAMTAL@SU: Using Interleaved Practice to Enhance Undergraduate Students’ Problem-Solving Skills. Dr Steven Pan, director of the Learning Sciences Laboratory in the Department of Psychology at the National University of Singapore. (13 Oktober 2022)
- SAMTAL@SU: Virtual reality as a way to visualise chemistry in 3D — a hands on workshop. Karolina Broman, senior lecturer in chemistry education at Umeå University. (11 november 2021)
- SAMTAL@SU: Students´ ability to visualise chemistry in 2D & 3D through digital tools. Karolina Broman, senior lecturer in chemistry education at Umeå University. (6 maj 2021)
- SAMTAL@SU: Semiotic resoursces in chemistry education. Susanne Wickman docent in organic chemistry at Linnæus University. (23 oktober 2019)
- SAMTAL@SU: Race to improve student understanding of uncertainty — using lego in the physics lab. Associate Professor Maria Parappilly from Flinders University in Australia. (10 oktober 2019)
- SAMTAL@SU: Developing the teaching of undergraduate mathematics through research — Barbara Jaworski is Professor of Mathematics Education at Loughborough University and Doctor Honoris Causa at the University of Agder, Norway. (17 september 2019)
- SAMTAL@SU: Training science teachers in England - James de Winter leads the physics teacher preparation course at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge in the UK. (16 maj 2018)
- Seminar Series on Gender/Gender Equality and the Natural Sciences. Sehoya Cotner, Associate Professor in the Department of Biology Teaching and Learning at the University of Minnesota (19 february 2018)