Samtal@SU is pleased to announce the seminar “Race to improve student understanding of uncertainty — using lego in the physics lab” featuring Associate Professor Maria Parapilly, award-winning physics educator and Research Section Head for STEM Education at Flinders University in Australia.
Lunch seminar followed by optional discussion
over coffee. Register for a free lunch sandwich at

A novel method is proposed for how LEGO race cars can help students increase their understanding of uncertainty and motivate them in physics labs. The intervention was developed for students in an introductory physics topic with a high early drop-out rate.
In this talk, I will discuss the results of the study and how variations in the delivery yielded better learning outcomes. We subsequently adapted the delivery of the LEGO labs for a large Engineering Mechanics cohort. For Engineering, the findings show that LEGO physics was instrumental in teaching students ideas of measurement and uncertainty, improving their lab reporting skills, and was a key factor in reducing the early attrition rate.
Associate Professor Maria Parappilly is an award-winning physics educator and Research Section Head for STEM Education at Flinders University in Australia. She received her PhD in Theoretical Physics from the University of Adelaide. Her pioneering teaching innovations have been recognised with state and national awards, and internationally with the D2L Innovation Award in Teaching and Learning (only one awarded in Physics, Canada, 2017). She has been named as the 2015 South Australian STEMEducator of the year. Dr. Parappilly is an elected fellow of the Australian Institute of Physics (AIP).
About Samtal@SU
SAMTAL@SU is the Science and Mathematics Teaching and Learning seminar series organised in cooperation with the Department of Mathematics and Science Education and the Centre for the Advancement of University Teaching.
The seminars bring international discipline-based researchers in university science and mathematics education to Stockholm for a lunch presentation followed by the possibility for more informal discussions (samtal). If you are interested in having one of the SAMTAL@SU seminars in your department please contact John Airey and we will be happy to arrange it!