Karolina Broman
Welcome to lunch seminar on May 6 at 12-12:50, followed by informal discussion (samtal) for those who can.
Zoom link: https://stockholmuniversity.zoom.us/j/3966653915
Register at: https://doodle.com/poll/x9xyzhnf7rzak75u?utm_source=poll&utm_medium=link
The event is primarily aimed at researchers who teach chemistry at Stockholm University, but you who teach other subjects can also get inspiration for the development of your teaching.

Visualisation of chemical representations, for example, orbitals, molecular structures and reaction mechanisms, is important for students to fully understand chemistry. Spatial ability, that is, the move between two- and three-dimensional thinking, is complex, and students need to practice it.
In different undergraduate projects, digital tools such as Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR and AR) have been applied to visualise chemical representations. Digital tools and techniques are becoming an integrated part of university chemistry teaching. The tools are often perceived as exciting and fun, but from the teacher’s perspective, they need to enable learning to be relevant and meaningful. Results from projects that apply VR and AR to practice university chemistry students’ spatial ability will be presented.
Karolina Broman is senior lecturer in chemistry education at Umeå University where she also has a position as chair of the educational committee for the Faculty of Science and Technology. She is appointed excellent teacher and has received pedagogical awards. Karolina’s research interests range from context-based chemistry and students’ educational choices, to digital tools and techniques such as flipped teaching and the application of Virtual and Augmented Reality within university organic chemistry.
Poster Karolina Broman (682 Kb)
SAMTAL@SU seminars are arranged in collaboration with:
Department of Mathematics and Science Education
The Centre for the Advancement of University Teaching