Lunch seminar 12-13 followed by informal discussion (samtal) over coffee 13-13:30. To register for a sandwich, send your name, affiliation and any dietary requirements to or fill in the doodle.

The recruitment and retention of high quality science teachers in England represents a major challenge. In the area of physics for example, national publicity campaigns, intervention from the Institute of Physics and tax-free bursaries (of up to 350,000 SEK) have had little effect on the number of graduates entering the profession. In this seminar I will first present the range of routes available for becoming a teacher in England, before describing in detail the content of the physics, chemistry and biology teacher preparation courses at the University of Cambridge. In the presentation I will also reflect on the wider landscape of teacher education in England, the factors that shape it and speculate on possible future developments.
James de Winter leads the physics teacher preparation course at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge in the UK. He is also a member of the Physics Education Research Group at the University of Uppsala, where he is a doctoral student.