To lunch seminar with Karolina Broman, senior and docent in chemistry education at Umeå University.
Date/time: November 11th 2021, at 12—12:50, followed by informal discussion (samtal) for those who can over coffee 13—13:30.
Venue: Magnélisalen, Kemiska Övningslaboratoriet, Svante Arrhenius väg 16 B.
Who is the seminar for?
The event is primarily aimed at researchers who teach chemistry at Stockholm University, but you who teach other subjects can also get inspiration for the development of your teaching.
Register for the seminar and a sandwich
At this lunch seminar we will meet and discuss Virtual Reality (VR) as a complement to plastic ball and stick models for visualising chemical structures in three dimensions. The seminar is a follow-up from the previous online presentation of VR in chemistry held during the spring term.
The seminar will introduce a number of different VR tools and you will have the possibility to try them out. Both more advanced VR goggles and simple ones will be explored, and visualisations will be streamed through zoom. For the simple VR goggles, smartphones need to be used, so please bring one if you can. Both organic and inorganic structures will be presented.
For more information about the project
Karolina Broman
Karolina Broman is senior and docent in chemistry education at Umeå University where she also has a position as chair of the educational committee for the Faculty of Science and Technology. She is appointed excellent teacher and has received pedagogical awards. Karolina’s research interests range from context-based chemistry and students’ educational choices, to digital tools and techniques such as flipped teaching and the application of Virtual and Augmented Reality within university organic chemistry.
SAMTAL@SU seminars are arranged in collaboration with:
Department of Mathematics and Science Education
The Centre for the Advancement of University Teaching