According to the Higher Education Ordinance (chapter 10, section 1), disciplinary action may be invoked against students who “by the use of prohibited aids or other means attempt to deceive during examinations or other forms of assessment of student performance”. Plagiarism is a form of cheating or deceit. The ordinance covers all types of graded work, such as written examinations, take-home examinations, quizzes and written assignments, as well as unauthorized collaboration in connection with such work.
Plagiarism refers to the deliberate use of someone else’s work, regardless of whether this work has been published, and passing it off as your own without marking quotations or indicating the source. Self-plagiarism refers to the deliberate use of self-written text for another course without marking quotations or indicating the source.
Plagiarism involves:
- paraphrasing (a restatement of the meaning of a text or passage using other words) someone else’s text without referencing the original
- paraphrasing or rewriting someone else’s text and referencing the original, but where the rewrite is non-existent or too close to the original
- reusing other students’ work, e.g. seminar assignments, take-home examinations, essays or papers without referencing the original
- reusing self-written text, so called “self-plagiarism”, without referencing the original
- using text from articles, books, websites or other types of documents available on the Internet without referencing the original
- translating a text from one language to another without referencing the original.
Stockholm Business School uses the text comparison tool Urkund to verify the originality of graded texts. Because of this, students should regularly and according to academic practice carefully reference their use of their own and other people’s sources. The mandatory originality check is performed by the student, by running the last version of the thesis in Urkund in Fastreg Forum, before the thesis is uploaded for final examination.