Between January 7-11, you must register for the courses included in the course package, in order to keep your place! Here is how to do it:
- Activate your university account at https://aktivera.su.se/ (if you do not already have a university account).
- Register via the university account under Ladok for students between January 7-11 at www.student.ladok.se
Don´t forget to register no later than January 11 or you will lose your place.
IT service
Athena (replacing Fastreg) is the learning platform used at SBS from autumn semester 2020. Each course has its own Athena site and you will automatically join your course site by registering for the course. All course-specific communication is through Athena. Here you will find your schedule, syllabus, course material and assignments. You can log in to Athena when you are registered for a course.
Login to Athena
Get started with Athena
You can find your overall schedule for each course in the Program Overview for your specific program. The spring schedules will be published in the end of June
Studying at Stockholm University
Stockholm Business School is part of Stockholm University. Here you find more information about studying at Stockholm University:
Checklist for new students
Q&A on the coronavirus for newly admitted students
Studying with functional disabilities
Information for students with functional disabilities (including dyslexia) can be found here. If you need extra support, please contact the Academic Advisor in the beginning of the semester:
Study with functional disabilities
Study counselling
Our Academic Advisors have regular visiting and phone hours. You can also contact us via e-mail.
Contact details
Decline your place
If you have been offered admission in a course or programme but have decided not to attend, it's important that you decline your offer:
University Admissions
More information of how to decline you offer
Deferment of studies
If you are unable to initiate your studies during spring 2020 due to special circumstances, you can apply for a deferment of studies. As soon as you have been accepted, you should send a letter to: Studentavdelningen, Antagningen, Stockholms universitet, 106 91 Stockholm. You have to prove your reasons for deferment. Please note that it can be difficult to get the deferment approved.
Important information about cheating and plagiarism
It is of utmost importance to be familiar with the regulations for cheating and plagiarism at Stockholm Business School.
Living situation
You will need to organize somewhere to live. Finding accommodation in Stockholm can be somewhat difficult. You´ll find information regarding student housing here:
The semester starts January 18.