Origin: United States of America
Studies: Bachelor’s programme in Global Management
Why I applied to SBS: I sought a true global experience complete with living abroad for the entire duration of my undergraduate studies, along with the priceless exposure of European life and culture.
Best thing about my studies: The international perspective being put on my studies in Business, it will be of utmost value when I further pursue a career in the ever-changing world undergoing international integration and globalization.
Advice to students considering SBS: Be open to a whole new way of life, coffee overdoses, foreign surroundings and keeping your head up amidst long, dark & impossibly cold winter days.
About me: An avid traveller and lover of the finer things in life. French-pressed coffee, meeting new like-minded friends, Pugs and reading up on the latest in the world of business and finance are a few of my favorite things to occupy myself with.
You can read moe about Olivia and her time at SBS on our student blog>