This course gives you useful knowledge about planning and assessing different types of survey designs. You will learn to explain the advantages and disadvantages of standard sampling designs, how to choose appropriate sampling designs for different selection problems and how to choose suitable estimators depending on the problem and the access toauxiliary information. You will be able to carry out estimation and precision estimation on data from differentsampling designs, with and without auxiliary information and to describe and use common estimation methods for non-response problems, including imputation and calibration. The course treats several different sampling methods and different estimation procedures are discussed.
Special eligibility requirements: 90 ECTS credits in Statistics or equivalent and Swedish upper secondary school course English B or equivalent.
Language: English
Course information
- Schedule spring 2020
- Syllabus
- Course Description Sampling and Estimation (142 Kb)
- Course literature - Sampling and Estimation (46 Kb)
More information for registered students will be found in Athena.
Teachers spring 2020
Course coordinator
You will find Per Gösta's reception hours in the link above. If you wish to visit Per Gösta outside of his reception hours, you are welcome to e-mail him for an appointment.
Teaching assistant
Information on admission and application procedures for international students is found here!