Education - old

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  4. Education - old

Course webpages

On the course webpages you will find information about the teachers, schedules, course descriptions, etc.

Incoming exchange students

This is a short step-by-step guide for incoming exchange students within the Erasmus+ programme at the Department of Statistics.

New Student

Information for applicants for the Spring 2021 courses.

What is it like to study statistics? Ask one of our alumni!

Edgar Bueno studied the Matser's Program in statistics, and is a PhD in Statistics. He likes statistics because of the many applications, within the financial sector, health sector, industry, government, and almost everywhere, you'll find applications of statistics.

Teacher of the year 2020!

Jessica Franzén, Department of Statistics, wins The Award for Good Teaching 2020 at Stockholm University.

Courses and programmes

To the course catalogue


Study Councellor
Contact the study- and career councellor if you have questions about your studies in statistics or plan to start your studies.

Visit: Room  B718

Homepage for the Student Councellor