Lars Lyberg has won the 2013 AAPOR Book Award together with his co-editors of Survey Methods in Multinational, Multiregional, and Multicultural Contexts (2010), Janet A. Harkness, Michael Braun, Brad Edwards, Timothy P. Johnson, Peter Ph. Mohler, Beth-Ellen Pennell and Tom W. Smith.
The award was presented at the 68th Annual Conference in Boston, Massachusetts, May 2013, for "Reflecting and extending research submitted to the International Conference on Multinational, Multicultural, and Multiregional Survey Methods, this landmark volume adresses some of the most critical issues facing survey research globally, hihlighting important changes in the landscape of comparative methodology, providing new methodological findings and approaches, and delineating gaps in our understanding to guide future research."
Lyberg has won the 2013 Helen Dinerman Award for his "rigorous introduction of the concept of quality in the design, operation, and management of surveys", his "efforts to improve data quality and minimize total survey error during his long-career at Statistics Sweden", his profound influence on the international survey-research community and his work as founding editor of the Journal of Official Statistics (JOS), which "besides being one of the top journals in the field is freely available to readers". The award is also won for beeing "co-author and co-editor of many of the leading books on survey-research methods over the last 40 years." As formulated in the diploma: "Contributing to any of these volumes would mark Lyberg as a star, collectively they make him a constellation. Additionally, he has made important contributions to many international organizations in the field of statistics and survey research." Among the contributions listed is providing leadership to the worldwide development of survey methodology. The award is given for "outstanding contributions to survey methodology."