Tid: 27 januari, 2021, kl. 13-14
Plats: This seminar is given online. E-mail Dan Hedlin if you want to attend.


In recent decades, some worldwide surveys like the World Fertility Survey and its successor, the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS), have played an important role in filling the gap in the availability of survey data in developing countries. These surveys, conducted at enormous costs, are aimed to enable investigators to make in-depth analyses that could guide policy intervention strategies. They are freely available to interested and registered researchers but their utilization remains suboptimal.

In this seminar, I will give an overview of the DHS data structure and its potential for methodological and applied research in statistics (including senior essays or masters theses). I will show how to extract relevant subsets, define new variables and prepare data for analyses using various statistical methods such as survival analysis, multilevel modelling, sequential modelling, diagonal reference modelling (DRM), etc….

More information on the surveys and how to get access to data is available at the DHS program website: https://dhsprogram.com/Data/