
Forskningsprojekt inom marknadsföring

Här följer ett urval av de forskningsprojekt som bedrivs inom sektionen för marknadsföring.

Brands resonating co-authors

This project aims at scrutinizing the making of brands by analyzing the interactivity of crucial stakeholders that become co-authors. The questions are: How do brands as an interface resonate with and re-structure interaction between stakeholders? How do co-authoring of importance take place and why?

Leveraging distance:

The project will show how distance can be leveraged by companies in the pursuit of knowledge development, innovation, and customer value creation. Instead of considering distance as a problem, distance can be an opportunity and a starting point for the development of new solutions and new ways of solving customer problems.

Local Fashion Brands in global Business

A project within the programme FAME - Fashion Marketing and Entrepreneurship (FAME). The project is focusing on the research question: Why do global brands shrink and local brands grow?

Mothering men and their consumption

The aim of this project is to study childcare and its associated consumption among single fathers with shared or sole custody living in the Swedish context. The questions are if and how this care differs in any systematic way from that of women and as well as if and how it differs from the North American context which today dominates consumption research.

Network: Nordic Consumer Culture Theory (NCCT)

Nordic Consumer Culture Theory (NCCT) is a network of consumer culture researchers in the Nordic countries.

Network: NAFS - Nordic Association for Food Studies

Brings together Nordic food and meal's researchers in topics as: archeology, economic history, ethnology, business, journalism, landscape research, medicine, culinary arts, advertising and public relations, religion, history, sociology and political science.

The production and reproduction of management novelty in organisation

The project involves a number of case studies of organisations that are assumed to be well-managed and innovative, such as examples from the retail sector and multinational companies. Ultimately, the project will develop a framework that accounts for the emergence, persistence and mainstreaming of management novelty in organisations.