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  8. Seminar March 3, 2016 - The Barriers to Reverse Knowledge Transfer in Chinese State-owned MNCs

Seminar March 3, 2016 - The Barriers to Reverse Knowledge Transfer in Chinese State-owned MNCs

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Advisory Board

Jeremy Clegg
Professor, Leeds University

Tony Fang
Group leader 
Professor, Stockholm Business School, Stockholm University

Pervez Ghauri
Professor, University of Birmingham

Yadong Luo 
Professor, University of Miami

Fredrik Tell
Professor, Uppsala University

Jie Wang
Professor, Stanford University


Dina Chimenson
PhD student

Daniella Fjellström
Lecturer, Management/Marketing

Ai Jun Hou
Assistant Professor of Finance

Jessica Lindberg
Assistant Professor, Management

Lu Liu
Assistant Professor in Finance

Amos Owen Thomas
Associate Professor, Marketing

Jarkko Peltomäki
Associate Professor, Finance

Desheng Wu
Professor, Accounting

Senior research fellows

Brendan McSweeney
Professor, Royal Holloway, University of London

Peter Ping Li
Professor, Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China, and Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.  

Michael Graham
Professor, University of Stellenbosch Business School, South Africa

Research Associates

Lingshuang Kong
PhD student, Uppsala University

Cong Su
PhD student, Uppsala University