Responding to twenty-first century marketing challenges
Throughout the last half century, society has increasingly become organized according to a market and marketing logic. Consequently it is imperial to study and theorize marketing, both for input to contemporary debates in society, and for companies and organizations striving to be competitive. The section for marketing endeavors to lead the creation, re-creation and dissemination of advanced marketing knowledge through a holistic approach with due recognition to producers, consumers and society at large.
Research at the Marketing Section
The section strives to capitalize on the fact that we are located in Stockholm—with close proximity to a large number of organizations and companies as well as a bustling consumer culture—while also keeping a global outlook. We hence collaborate widely, both geographically and across disciplines, and seek to create a stimulating global environment in which to nurture education and research of the highest quality in the field of marketing as well as in the sub-field Advertising and PR.
The research activities at the section are today focused on four key areas:
Strategic Marketing
Consumer Marketing
Business and Marketing Communication
Advertising and PR