PhD Theses 1990-1999
Forough Karlberg Survey estimation for highly skewed data |
1999-12-13 |
Ingegerd Jansson On statistical modeling of social networks. |
1997-10-31 |
Sixten Lundström Calibration as a standard method for treatment of nonresponse. |
1997-10-06 |
Martin Karlberg Triad count estimation and transitivity testing in graphs and digraphs. |
1997-05-27 |
Elisabeth Saers Bigün Bayesian risk analysis of rare events, such as catastrophes, by means of expert assessments. |
1997-04-18 |
Jörgen Dahlén Price measurement and index construction - some contributions to theory and application. |
1995-03-17 |
Raul Cano On the efficiency of the Bayesian bootstrap. |
1992-06-12 |
PhD Theses 1980-1989
Nicolas Yannaros On thinned point processes. (1987:3) | 1987-06-04 |
Orly Manor Statistical analysis of criminal careers. (RR 1985:3) | 1985-06-04 |
Arne Sandström Estimating income inequality. Large sample inference in finite populations. (RR 1983:5) | 1983-12-14 |
John Öhrvik Robusteffektiv lägesestimation. (RR 1982:17) | 1982-12-15 |
Stefan Ogenstad Statistical analysis of censored survival time data in clinical trials. (RR 1982:10) | 1982-05-28 |
Lars Lyberg Control of the coding operation in statistical investigations - some contributions. | 1981-03-31 |
Olle Sjöström Svensk samhälsstatistik. Etik, policy och planering. (RR 1979:6 del I-III) | 1980-12-04 |
Karin Dahmström Some binary response situations - theory and applications. (RR 1980:4) | 1980-05-09 |
PhD Theses 1970-1979
Olivier Guilbaud Nonparametric statistical inference about location. Some contributions. (RR 1978:6) | 1978-11-24 |
Ola Hertzberg On the small-sample properties of probit analysis. | 1977-04-29 |
Bengt Swensson Survey measurement of sensitive attributes. Some contributions. | 1977-04-22 |
Stig Elofsson On truncated tests of parameters in various Poisson models with applications to traffic accidents. | 1975-06-02 |
Stig Danielsson Optimal allokering vid vissa klasser av urvalsförfaranden. | 1975-05-21 |
Harry Lütjohann Linear aggregation in linear regression. | 1974-05-28 |
Tor Eriksen En prognosmodell för den allmänna tilläggspensioneringen ATP. | 1973-05-28 |
Ove Frank Statistical inference in graphs. | 1971-05-12 |
Anders Klevmarken, Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Earnings Data. | 1972 |
Gunilla Elofsson Skattning av parametrar i en modell med känt linjärt funktionellt samband och konstanta variationskoefficienter, med tillämpning på arbetstidsmätning. | 1970-12-04 |
PhD Theses - 1969
Gösta Ahlberg Befolkningsutvecklingen och urbaniseringen i Sverige 1911-50 | 1950 |
Sten Wahlund Demographic Studies in the Nomadic and the Settled Population of Northern Lapland. | 1932 |
Alfred Söderlund Befolkningens fordelning i Norge. | 1923 |