PhD Theses 1990-1999

Forough Karlberg
Survey estimation for highly skewed data
Ingegerd Jansson
On statistical modeling of social networks.
Sixten Lundström
Calibration as a standard method for treatment of nonresponse.
Martin Karlberg
Triad count estimation and transitivity testing in graphs and digraphs.
Elisabeth Saers Bigün
Bayesian risk analysis of rare events, such as catastrophes, by means of expert assessments.
Jörgen Dahlén
Price measurement and index construction - some contributions to theory and application.
Raul Cano
On the efficiency of the Bayesian bootstrap.

PhD Theses 1980-1989


Nicolas Yannaros On thinned point processes. (1987:3) 1987-06-04
Orly Manor Statistical analysis of criminal careers. (RR 1985:3) 1985-06-04
Arne Sandström Estimating income inequality. Large sample inference in finite populations. (RR 1983:5) 1983-12-14
John Öhrvik Robusteffektiv lägesestimation. (RR 1982:17) 1982-12-15
Stefan Ogenstad Statistical analysis of censored survival time data in clinical trials. (RR 1982:10) 1982-05-28
Lars Lyberg Control of the coding operation in statistical investigations - some contributions. 1981-03-31
Olle Sjöström Svensk samhälsstatistik. Etik, policy och planering. (RR 1979:6 del I-III) 1980-12-04
Karin Dahmström Some binary response situations - theory and applications. (RR 1980:4) 1980-05-09

PhD Theses 1970-1979


Olivier Guilbaud Nonparametric statistical inference about location. Some contributions. (RR 1978:6) 1978-11-24
Ola Hertzberg On the small-sample properties of probit analysis. 1977-04-29
Bengt Swensson Survey measurement of sensitive attributes. Some contributions. 1977-04-22
Stig Elofsson On truncated tests of parameters in various Poisson models with applications to traffic accidents. 1975-06-02
Stig Danielsson Optimal allokering vid vissa klasser av urvalsförfaranden. 1975-05-21
Harry Lütjohann Linear aggregation in linear regression. 1974-05-28
Tor Eriksen En prognosmodell för den allmänna tilläggspensioneringen ATP. 1973-05-28
Ove Frank Statistical inference in graphs. 1971-05-12
Anders Klevmarken, Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Earnings Data. 1972
Gunilla Elofsson Skattning av parametrar i en modell med känt linjärt funktionellt samband och konstanta variationskoefficienter, med tillämpning på arbetstidsmätning. 1970-12-04

PhD Theses - 1969


Gösta Ahlberg Befolkningsutvecklingen och urbaniseringen i Sverige 1911-50 1950
Sten Wahlund Demographic Studies in the Nomadic and the Settled Population of Northern Lapland. 1932
Alfred Söderlund Befolkningens fordelning i Norge. 1923