What courses are approved?
When choosing courses from the host university's course offerings, consider the following:
- they should be at the appropriate academic level, depending on where you are in your studies.
- they should not overlap with courses you previously read or will read in your program at SU.
- they should have academic content. We do not grant credit transfers for courses of personality- or career development character (for example windsurfing or CV writing).
- We do not grant credit transfers for English language courses for non-native speakers since the courses are generally too basic. Swedish students tend to have a high level of English. Language courses in other languages are generally accepted.
The semester abroad is an opportunity for you to broaden your skills and learn things that are not part of your education at SU. We recommend you choose courses in subjects other than your chosen discipline at SU. This minimizes the risk of overlapping.
These are prerequisites for the courses to be included in your Swedish degree.
Learning Agreement ( Changes to learning agreement)
Students nominated for exchange studies need to submit a learning agreement and have it signed by SBS at least 30 days before start of exchange semester. In the document students add those courses they wish to take during the study abroad period.
Erasmus+ Learning agreement (113 Kb) for those of you going within an Erasmus-agreement.
SBS_learning_agreement (170 Kb) for those going to a partner university outside Europe.
How to fill out the learning agreement tabel A:
- Course code ( if no course code is available then leave this field empty)
- Course title at the Receiving Institution
- Link to course syllabi ( link to course syllabus at the partner university and if possible, the syllabus should include course literature).
If there is no course link available then email the course syllabus as pdf-file to the academic advisor.
- Numbers of credits (or equivalent) to be awarded by the Receiving Institution upon successful completion ( fill out the number of credits the course is worth, if you do not know how many credits that equals 30 hp then please contact us)
- Equivalent subject area at Stockholm University (this column is filled out by academic advisor at SBS, so just leave this field blank)
Once you have filled out the document you send it to the academic advisor for you programme:
- Bachelor programmes in Swedish: studievagledare@sbs.su.se
- Bachelor programmes in English: bachelor@sbs.su.se
- All master programmes: masterprogrammes@sbs.su.se
NOTE! This document needs to be signed by SBS, the host university and you to be valid for the credits transfer.
If you need to change any courses after submitting the learning agreement you can just fill out Changes to learning agreement (table B) in the same document and send to the academic advisor again.
Why is the learning agreement important? Students have to apply for credit transfer upon return to SBS as credits from the host university are not transferred automatically. In order for the courses to count towards your degree, they must be approved by SBS and be included in the learning agreement.
Credit conversion
The model for credit conversion used at Stockholm Business School is based on a degree perspective: the total number of credits/units required for a degree at the host university is divided by the number of years of study required to complete the degree. That gives us an average credit requirement/year, which is to be compared with the standard credit requirement of the Swedish academic year. In some cases, you will receive different information on the credit requirements from your host university. It is however important to note that the ultimate decision of credit conversion lies with the home university.
Credit transfer
Credit Transfer Form (567 Kb)
If you have been abroad via our exchange program:
1) upon your return you will get an e-mail from the International Office with instructions and the credit transfer application form. The application form can also be downloaded directly
Application Credit Transfer (85 Kb)
Application form in Swedish (
Ansökan om tillgodoräknande (175 Kb)
2) When applying for credit transfer you include a copy of your signed Learning Agreement. The learning agreement has to be signed by SBS, the host university and you.
3) If you have been abroad via our exchange program a transcript of records from the host university is sent to the International Office after completion of the semester abroad. Upon receipt of these, the credit transfer will be in progress (subject to the condition that you have applied for it). Once the credit transfer is complete, you will receive your original transcript of records from the host university.
If you have been studying abroad as a Free Mover, you should enclose course descriptions, syllabi and literature information along with your application for credit transfer. We also have to see your original transcript in order to complete the credit transfer. Information about the academic calendar and credit system should also be included.
4) All documents for the credit transfer should be submitted to credittransfer@sbs.su.se , either scanned copies by email or hand in the original documents (office in building 15, room 15:228, Campus Kräftriket).
Grades obtained during the study abroad semester are not translated, as it is not possible to compare grading systems in different countries. The credit transfer will include credits obtained in passed courses. In the study administration system Ladok, transferred courses will appear with the name of the course and the transferred credits, but without the grade.
Should you have any additional specific questions regarding the process, please contact Director of Studies.