AES rapporter
Avhandlingar publicerade inom ramen för AES
Internationella refereegranskade publikationer
Konferenspapper och workshops
Böcker och bokkapitel
Övriga rapporter
AES rapporter
Avhandlingar publicerade inom ramen för AES
Avslutade avhandlingsarbeten
Svärdsten Nymans, F. (2012).
Constituting performance - Case studies of performance auditing and performance reporting (2043 Kb)
Stockholm Business School, Stockholm University.
Thomson, K. (2017) Styrning och samhällsvärde – en studie med exempel från museivärlden. Företagsekonomiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet.
Vähämäki, J. (2017) Matrixing Aid The Rise and Fall of ‘Results Initiatives’ in Swedish Development Aid. Stockholm Business School, Stockholm University.
Wiesel, F. (2008).
Kundorientering och ekonomistyrning i offentlig sektor. (1031 Kb)
Stockholm: Företagsekonomiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet.
Wittbom, E. (2009). Att spränga normer: om målstyrningsprocesser för jämställdhetsintegrering. Stockholm: Företagsekonomiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet.
Pågående avhandlingsarbeten
Eriksson, K. Controlling management control: Studies about the production of management controls.
Ödén, fd Jonasson, D. Developing Performance Measurements and Defining Performance in the Public Sector.
Internationella refereegranskade publikationer
Axelsson, K., Höglund, L. & Mårtensson, M. (2018). Is what’s good for business good for society? Entrepreneurship in a school setting. In U. Hytti, R. Blackburn & S. Tegtmeier (Eds.), The Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Contexts: Frontiers in European Entrepreneurship Research. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Case, P., Gaggiotti, H., Gosling, J. & Holmgren Caicedo, M. (2015). Of Tropes, Totems and Taboos: Reflections on Using Morgan’s Images as a Teaching Resource in International Settings. In Örtenblad, A., Putnam, L. & Tehan, K. (Eds.) Approaches to and Applications of Morgan’s Eight Metaphors.
Holmgren Caicedo, M. (2014). Defying interpretation: Dwelling on and delving into metonymy. Culture and Organization, 20(3), 232-249.
Holmgren Caicedo, M., Mårtensson, M. & Tamm Hallström, K. (In press) The development of the management accountant’s role revisited: An example from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency. Accepted for publication in Financial Accountability and Management (FAM).
Holmgren Caicedo, M., Mårtensson, M. & Tamm Hallström, K. (Re-submitted) Teamed up, not teaming: Downsourcing responsibility through lean teams. Re-submitted to Qualitative research in Accounting and Management (QRAM).
Höglund, L., Holmgren Caicedo M. & Mårtensson, M. (2015). Managing Paradoxes in Governance – Tensions in the Emergence of a New Board. In Luca Gnan, Alessandro Hinna, Fabio Monteduro (Eds.) Contingency, Behavioural and Evolutionary Perspectives on Public and Nonprofit Governance (Studies in Public and Non-Profit Governance, Volume 4) Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.1 – 30.
Höglund, L. and Linton, G. (2018). Smart specialization in a Regional Innovation System: A Quadruple Helix perspective. R&D Management, vol 48, no 1, pp. 60-72. Doi: 10.1111/radm.12306
Höglund, L., Holmgren Caicedo, M., Mårtensson, M. & Svärdsten, F, (2018). Strategic Management in the Public Sector – How tools enable and constrain strategy-making. International Public Management Journal. Doi: 10.1080/10967494.2018.1427161
Höglund, L., Holmgren Caicedo M. & Mårtensson, M. (In press). A balance of strategic management and entrepreneurship practices – the renewal journey of the Swedish Public Employment Service. Accepted for publication in Financial Accountability and Management.
Höglund, L. & Mårtensson, M. (To be re-submitted). Co-Production of Governance Practices. A collaboration between a management team, its board, and stakeholders. To be re-submitted to Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 18 March 2018 at the latest.
Höglund, L., Holmgren Caicedo M., Mårtensson, M. & Svärdsten, F. (To be re-submitted). On strategy formation in the public-sector: the case of the Swedish Transport Administration. To be re-submitted during autumn 2017 to Management Accounting Review.
Höglund, L. & Svärdsten, F. (Re-submitted). Strategy Work in the Public Sector – A Balancing Act of Contradicting Discourses. Re-submitted to Scandinavian Journal of Management.
Höglund L., Holmgren Caicedo, M. & Mårtensson M. (Under review). When calculative practices are no more: on de-accountingization at the operative level of a public-sector agency. Invited to a special issue in Financial Accountability and Management (FAM).
Höglund, L., Mårtensson, M. & Safari, A. (In press). Expectations and the performance of governance functions between a board, management and other stakeholders – the case of Robotdalen. Accepted for publication in Journal of Management and Governance.
Höglund, L., Mårtensson, M. & Safari, A. (To be re-submitted) The impact of types of trust in the public sector – A case study approach. To be re-submitted to the International Journal of Public Sector Management.
Svärdsten, F. (2015). In the absence of detailed steering. A governmental attempt to address the issues of recentralization and detailed performance control. Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration, 19(2), 109-127.
Svärdsten, F. (Re-submitted). Why is it so difficult to carry out audits of substance? A study of performance audit in the name of the three Es. Re-submitted to Financial Accountability & Management.
Thomson, K., Holmgren Caicedo, M. & Mårtensson, M. (2014). The Quest for Public Value beyond New Public Management - on creating and sustaining value in the museum transition. In: Guthrie, J., Marcon, G., Russo, S., Blair, S.L., & Higgins, J. (Ed.) Public value management, measurement and reporting, Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
van Helden, J., Grönlund, A., Mussari, R. and Ruggiero, P. (2012) Exploring public sector managers´ preferences for attracting consultants or academics as external experts. Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 205-227.
Wiesel, F., & Modell, S. (2014). From New Public Management to New Public Governance? Hybridization and Implications for Public Sector Consumerism. Financial Accountability & Management, 30(2), 175-205.
Wittbom, E. (2015). Management control for gender mainstreaming–a quest of transformative norm breaking. Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change 11(4), 527–545.
Konferenspapper och workshops
Andersson, G., Mårtensson, M. & Vestman, C. (2015) Formaliserad samverkan mellan lärosäten och offentlig sektor. Presenterades på konferensen Högskola, Samhälle i Samverkan, Linnéunversitetet i Kalmar, den 28–29 maj 2015.
Axelsson, K. & Höglund, L. & Mårtensson, M. (2015) Entrepreneurship as a Mean and an End – A Generation of Self-Conducted Managers? Presented at the 29th RENT conference, Zagreb, Croatia, November (18) 19-20, 2015.
Axelsson, K. & Mårtensson, M (2014). Entrepreneurial Learning (EL) – putting a theoretical concept to practice. An example from the school setting. Presented at NERA 42nd Congress, 5-7th March 2014, Lillehammer, Norway.
Axelsson, K. & Mårtensson, M. (2015) Introducing entrepreneurship in a school setting - entrepreneurial learning as the entrance ticket. Presented at the 8th International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development, ICEIRD, June 18-19, 2015 in Sheffield.
Eriksson, K., 2017. Possibility with Complex Management Control: Modes of organising formal management control in a public sector context. Presented at New Public Sector Seminar, November 2-3, University of Edinburgh Business School.
Hasche, N., Höglund, L. & Mårtensson, M. (2018) Reconstructing trust through a transformation process: The case of the Swedish Public Employment Service. To be presented at XXII IRSPM Annual Conference 2018 at the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh.
Holmgren Caicedo, M. & Mårtensson, M. (2012) Harnessing plurality: on the managing accounting and control of a collaborative practice. Presented at the 7th International Conference on Accounting, Auditing & Management in Public Sector Reforms, Milan, Italy, September 4-6, 2012.
Holmgren Caicedo, M., Mårtensson, M. & Siegert, S. (2017) Boundariless Twitter use: on the affordances of social. Presented at the 31st Annual Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Conference, 5-8 December, 2017, RMIT University City Campus, Melbourne.
Holmgren Caicedo, M., Mårtensson, M. & Siegert, S. (2017) Give it all – Boundary blurring on Twitter and running marathons. Boundariless Twitter use in the context of a Swedish governmental agency. Presented at Work 2017 “Work and labour in the digital future”, 16-18 August 2017, Turku, Finland.
Holmgren Caicedo, M., Mårtensson, M. & Tamm Hallström (2014) Management accounting and control practices within a public organization: reinforcing NPM or starting anew. Presented at the 37th EAA Annual Congress, 21-23 May 2014, Tallinn.
Holmgren Caicedo, M., Mårtensson, M. & Tamm Hallström (2015) Coaching on demand: the role of the management accountant at the Swedish Social Insurance Agency. Presented at the 38th EAA Annual Congress, April 28-30, 2015, Glasgow, Scotland and the New Public Sector Seminar, Nov 2015, Edinburgh University.
Holmgren Caicedo, M., Mårtensson, M. & Tamm Hallström (2015) Managing street-level bureaucrats in the aftermath of NPM – the every-day life and work of case workers at the Swedish Social Insurance Agency. Presented at the 23rd Nordic Academy of Management Conference, August 12-14, 2015, Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Copenhagen, Denmark.
Holmgren Caicedo, M., Mårtensson, M. & Tamm Hallström, K. (2013) Styrningens långtgående konsekvenser. Presented at the 18th Nordic Workshop on management accounting and control, January 31-February 1, 2013, Örebro.
Holmgren Caicedo, M., Mårtensson, M. & Tamm Hallström, K. (2013) Management accounting and control practices within a public organization: reinforcing NPM or starting anew. Presented at the 22nd Nordic Academy of Management Conference, Reykiavík, 21-23 August 2013.
Holmgren Caicedo, M., Mårtensson, M. & Tamm Hallström, K. (2015). Teamed up, not teaming up: Downsourcing responsibility through lean teams. Presented at the Innovations in public services workshop, Edinburgh, Scotland, 5–6 November 2015.
Holmgren Caicedo, M., Mårtensson, M. & Tamm Hallström, K. (2015). Coaching on demand: The role of the management accountant at the Swedish Social Insurance Agency. Presented at the 38th Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association (EAA), Glasgow, UK, 28–30 April 2015.
Höglund, L., Holmgren Caicedo M., Mårtensson, M. & Svärdsten, F. (2017). On strategy formation and the becoming of strategic management accounting in a public – sector context. Presented at European Accounting Association (EAA) conference, Valencia, 2017.
Höglund, L., Holmgren Caicedo M. & Mårtensson, M. (2017) When calculative practices are no more: on de-accountingization at the operative level of a public-sector agency. Presented at the New Public Sector Seminar (NPSS) 2017, Edinburgh.
Höglund, L & Mårtensson, M. (2017). Co-Production of Governance Practices - A collaboration between board, management and other stakeholders. Presented at the 21st Annual International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM) Conference, Budapest, Hungary, April 19-21, 2017.
Höglund, L. & Mårtensson, M. (2018) Strategic Entrepreneurship Practices in Public Sector – the case of the Swedish Public Employment Service. To be presented at XXII IRSPM Annual Conference 2018 at the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh.
Höglund, L., Holmgren Caicedo M. & Mårtensson, M. (2016) The renewal journey of the Swedish Public Employment Service: a balancing act between management control and entrepreneurship. Presented at NPSS 2016 Transparency and Trust in Public Services, 3-4 November 2016, University of Edinburgh Business School.
Höglund L. (2016). The Discursive Practices of Constructing Opportunity and Advantage Positions. Presented at RENT XXX in Antwerp, Belgium, on November 16-18, 2016.
Höglund, L., Holmgren Caicedo M., Mårtensson M., & Svärdsten, F. (2016). Management accounting of control practices: a matter of and for strategy. Presented at the 9th international EIASM Public Sector Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, September 6-8, 2016.
Höglund, L. & Svärdsten, F. (2015). Strategic Management in Public Sector: A Balancing Act? Presented at International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM), 29 April - 1 march, 2015. Conference in Birmingham, United Kingdom. Panel B110 - Achieving Public Service Performance in a Complex Environment (SIG on Public Servants at Work).
Höglund, L. & Svärdsten, F. (2015). Strategic Management in Public Sector: A movement beyond NPM? Presented at 23rd st Nordic Academy of Management Conference. Copenhagen, 12-14 August 2015. Track 17: After NPM II – Organising Welfare.
Höglund, L., Holmgren Caicedo M. & Mårtensson, M. (2013). And now LEAN: discursive practices and their consequences in two organizations. Presented at the 22nd Nordic Academy of Management Conference. Reykiavík, 21-23 August 2013.
Höglund, L., Holmgren Caicedo M. & Mårtensson, M. (2014). ROBOTDALEN VERSION 2.0 - Opportunities and challenges from a governance perspective. Presented at the International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM) Conference in Ottawa, Canada. Theme: Intersections: governance, democracy and accountability.
Höglund, L., Holmgren Caicedo M. & Mårtensson, M. (2014). Strategic Entrepreneurship Practices at Robotdalen – A balancing act or Not? Presented at Rencontres de St-Gall, 1-3 September 2014 in St.Gallen, Switzerland. Theme: Leadership and the twin fields of entrepreneurship and small business management.
Höglund, L., Holmgren Caicedo, M., & Mårtensson, M. (2016). The renewal journey of the Swedish Public Employment Service: a balancing act between management control and entrepreneurship. Presented at Transparency and Trust in Public Services at the New Public Sector Seminar (NPSS) 2016, Edinburgh, 3-4th November 2016. (Best paper award.)
Höglund, L., Mårtensson, M. & Safari, A. (2015). Expectations, trust and performance in a board – The case of Robotdalen. Presented at International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM), 29 march - 1 April, 2015 Conference in Birmingham, United Kingdom. Panel J102 - Trust-based management in public sector.
Jacobsson, B., Sundström, G., & Vähämäki, J. (2015). Biståndspolitiken, styrningen och resultatagendan. Presented at NOPSA-Nordic Political Science Association 12-15, August, 2015.
Rämö, H. & Wittbom, E. (2017). State Agencies’ role as Societal Developers – The Swedish Transport Administration’s focus on a new mission. Presented at International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM) Conference, Budapest, Hungary, April 19-21, 2017.
Svärdsten Nymans, F., Catasús, B., & Öhman, P. (2013). What is good performance? Performing independent performance auditing. Presented at EAA Annual Congress 2013.
Svärdsten, F., & Tamm Hallström (2017). The bumblebee flies – right? A story about an alternative construction of independence. Presented at the STINT workshop ”Organizing for Expertise”, Paris, 20–24 May 2017.
Gustafsson, I., Svärdsten, F., & Tamm Hallström, K. (2017). Opening the black box of distance within the context of auditing. Presented at 24th Nordic Academy of Management Conference. Bodö, August 2017.
Siegert, S., Holmgren Caicedo, M. & Mårtensson, M. (2018) Boundaryless Twitter use: on the affordances of social media. Paper submitted to 34th EGOS Collocium, July 5–7, 2018, Tallinn, Estonia.
Thomson, K. (2013). The Quest for Public Value beyond New Public Management – on creating and sustaining value in the museum transition. Presented at the Nordic Academy of Management, NFF, Reykjavik 21-23 augusti 2013.
Thomson, K. (2014) Att skapa värde i offentlig verksamhet – en studie med exempel från museivärlden. Presenterades på Nätverket i Offentlig Organisation och Styrning (NOOS), , Södertörns Högskola 6-7 februari 2014.
Vähämäki, J. (2013). Simplifying the world: An analysis of three result initiatives in Swedish Development Cooperation. Presented at the Nordic Academy of Management Conference in Reykjavik, 2013.
Vähämäki, J. (2015). Change or repetition of technologies used for results management? Presented at Interdisciplinary perspectives on accounting in Stockholm.
Vähämäki, J. (2015). When and how do results management reforms rise and fall? Presented at the 3rd Joint Nordic Conference on Development Research, Gothenburg, 5-6 November, 2015.
Böcker och bokkapitel
Almqvist, R., & Mårtensson, M. (2012). Ekonomistyrning: Från budgetering till mångdimensionell verksamhetsstyrning. I Lind, R., & Westerberg, A., (Ed.), Ledning av företag och förvaltningar: Former, förutsättningar, förändringar (pp. 87-115). Stockholm: SNS förlag.
Almqvist, R., Holmgren, M., Johanson, U. & Mårtensson, M. (2012) Ansvarsfull verksamhetsstyrning, Malmö: Liber AB.
Grönlund, A., Tagesson, T. & Öhman, P. (2015/2005). Principbaserad redovisning, grundbok, övningsbok, samt från 2015 en digital version. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Holmgren Caicedo, M., Mårtensson, M. & Tamm Hallström, K. (2013) New public management: På jakt efter den perfekta styrningen. I Hasselbladh, H. & Holmqvist, M. (eds.) Företagsekonomin och samhället, Studentlitteratur.
Höglund, L. (2015). Strategic Entrepreneurship – Organizing Entrepreneurship in Established Organizations. Studentlitteratur. ISBN: 978-91-44-10368-6.
Johanson, U. & Mårtensson, M. (2013) Personalekonomi. I Olve, N-G. & Nilsson, F. (Red.) Controllerhandboken, Liber. Kapitlet har reviderats för att publiceras i en ny upplaga under våren 2018.
Magnusson, Å. & Wittbom, E. (2013). Ekonomistyrning av tjänster. I Olve, N-G. & Nilsson, F. (red.) Controllerhandboken, Liber. Kapitlet revideras så att det blir Dahlström, K. & Wittbom, E. för att publiceras i en ny upplaga under våren 2018.
Vähämaki, J. (2015). The results agenda in Swedish development cooperation: cycles of failure or reform success. Book chapter in Politics of Evidence and Results in International Development–Playing the game to change the rules. Practical Action Publishing, June 2015.
Wittbom, E. (2013). Budgetering: på olika villkor (1ed.). In: Jannesson, E., & Skoog, M., (Ed.), Perspektiv på ekonomistyrning (pp. 116-140). Stockholm: Liber
Övriga rapporter
Andersson, G., Mårtensson, M. & Vestman, C. (2015) Med samverkan i fokus. Formaliserad samverkan mellan lärosäten och offentliga organisationer – ett lärprojekt 2014–2015. Rapport för Uni-Link.
Holmgren Caicedo, M., Mårtensson, M. & Hallström Tamm, K. (2015) Controllerrollen i Försäkringskassans nya styrning. Inspektionen för socialförsäkringen (ISF). 2015:2.
Holmgren Caicedo, M., Mårtensson, M. & Tamm Hallström, K. (2015) När handläggaren blev teammedlem. Om autonomi, lärande och styrning i Försäkringskassan. Inspektionen för socialförsäkringen (ISF). 2015:13.
Höglund, L. & Mårtensson, M. (2013) ROBOTDALEN VERSION 2.0 (2013+) – förväntningar, möjligheter och utmaningar utifrån ett styrelseperspektiv. En första delrapport.
Jonsson, L., Holmgren Caicedo, M. & Mårtensson, M. (2013) Förutsättningar för styrning av samverkan. En studie om etableringen av ett samverkansinitiativ mellan kommuner och högskola. Rapport i Nationella kommunforskningsprogrammets rapportserie.
Svärdsten Nymans, F. (2013). Forskning om resultatmätning i organisationer inom offentlig sektor. Vad har studerats och vilka studier efterfrågas? This report was written for the Swedish Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences (Riksbankens jubileumsfond).
Vähämäki, J., Schmidt, M., & Molander, J., (2012). Review: Results Based Management in Development Cooperation. Report funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond.
Öhman, P., Grönlund, A., & Svärdsten, F. (2012). Svensk effektivitetsrevision i Riksrevisionens regi. Mittuniversitetet, Centrum för forskning om ekonomiska relationer, 2012:2.